Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Vegans and Coconut Milk

 A very random thought, food-related of course...

I'm not a vegan--or a vegetarian for that matter. I like meat a couple times a week, and I also eat a lot of seafood for protein. However, the concept of being vegan intrigues me, so I read a lot about it, particularly recipes and how to swap traditional ingredients for vegan alternatives. Coconut milk comes up time and time again as a swap for sweetened dairy in dessert recipes. I mean, it seems like it's in every single vegan dessert recipe that's not essentially just fruit. If you ever want a creamy texture in a vegan dessert (ice 'cream', pie, pudding, you name it), you reach for the coconut milk.

So, I'm curious...can you be a vegan and not like coconut? With my incredible sweet tooth, I doubt I could survive on plain fruit alone. Thankfully, I love the flavor of coconut, but I'd be curious to know of vegans that don't and if they feel a little left out come dessert time.

This ends the randomness...go on with your day.

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