Wednesday, June 2, 2010

CSA 2010 Week 1

This year, we purchased a full farm share from Heron Pond Farm in South Hampton, NH as part of their Community Supported Agriculture program because the half share last summer just wasn't enough. They offer a great variety and a very fair return on investment--which was $500 for a full share (paid back in February to help kick start the farming season).

Each week, I will post a picture of our share to build awareness of this great opportunity to get local produce at its peak of freshness. I will also try to post pictures of anything I prepare featuring weekly ingredients.

Two heads of red leaf lettuce
One half pound of yukina savoy greens
One bunch of scallions
One tomato
One pint of perfect strawberries

This week, among other things, we had sliced strawberries with whipped cream and this salad:

Salad with farm-fresh red leaf lettuce, scallions and tomato. Also has leftover pulled chicken, crisp bacon, granny smith apple, celery, green pepper, cucumbers and grated carrot. Topped it off with homemade honey mustard dressing.
And, we had a nice Asian veggie stir fry a couple times, using the yukina savoy greens (recipe follows in later post):

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